Smart Water for Green Schools (SWGS)

In Ukraine, poor water quality causes the spread of diseases among the population. The access to safe drinking water and sanitation remains one of the main problems in Ukraine. Sanitation is a key factor in improving the health of a country's population.

In 2013, the Green Cross, guided by its principles in resolving water problems, directed its efforts to improving the situation in this sector. Thanks to the financial support of GCI, IFC and under the leadership of WWC, the project “Smart Water for Green Schools” was implemented in Zhytomyr region.

Project Objectives:

Ensuring access to safe drinking water for all residents in the village of Nevgody: from receipt through the supply and storage to the use of water;

Solving the problem of access to sanitation and lack of sanitation in a school in rural areas. Installation of dry ecological toilets;

Strengthening public health and sanitary-hygienic education, increasing the level of knowledge among the population in matters of consumption, economy and rational use of water, as well as environmental awareness

Provision of medical advice and recommendations to the public;

Dissemination of the gained experience among other rural communities that faced similar problems of water and sanitation.

The final outcomes:

  • Safe, efficient and hygienic water supply for residents in the village of Nevgody;
  • Certified drinking water quality;
  • Economical, effective and sustainable solution for wastewater treatment, sanitary facilities in the local school (construction of dry ecological toilets). Safe, effective and hygienic excrement removal. Repeated training in waste management, composting and recycling;
  • Raising awareness of environmental and water issues;
  • Exchange of information with neighboring communities that faced similar problems related to water and sanitation.

Green Cross Ukraine, on behalf of the community of Nevgody, thanks IFC and WWC for the opportunity to carry out the project and enable local residents to get improved access to drinking water and use quality drinking water in everyday life. Special thanks to all the partners involved, who made every effort to achieve positive results and accomplish tasks.

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National Ecological Charitable Organization “Green Cross of Ukraine”

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